English cleric (c. 1511-1567)

And as there is no damnation to them that are engrafted in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit; so is there no health nor salvation to them that live after the flesh, though they babble ever so much of Christ, of Christ's passion, blod, and death, of the remission of sins, of the mercy of God, of the gospel, of the sweet promises of God, and of everlasting life.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

For when the wine is in, the wit is out.



Tags: wine

Who is a wretch, or unhappy? He that holdeth not himself content with that that God hath sent him.


Prayers and Other Pieces of Thomas Becon

Therefore, brothers, whensoever ye perceive that ye offend God in any thing, despair not, fly unto repentance, be sorry for your sinful living; bewail your wicked manners, thirst after strength to do the will of God, confess your sins from the very heart, call for grace, desire mercy, and pray unto God that he will forgive you your faults, and he will undoubtedly remit and forgive you all the faults, sins, and trespasses that ye ever committed against him.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

We beseech thee, O heavenly Father, that we be never unmindful of this thy exceeding great kindness, nor unthankful for thy manifold and unspeakable mercies declared unto us in the glorious death of thy well-beloved Son; but so work thou in us through thy Holy Spirit, that we may be made worthy members of that body, whereof thy Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ is the Head.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

Prayer is the present remedy for the souls of them that are sick.


The Early Works of Thomas Becon

Tags: prayer

Who is a fool? He that rashly is carried hither and thither with every motion, that considereth nothing, regardeth nothing, nor suffereth himself to be corrected and warned of his evil doing; but headlong runneth as he began, forcing not whether he sink or swim, or what becometh of him; and who, as he knoweth not the word of God, so he passeth not on it.


Prayers and Other Pieces of Thomas Becon

Tags: fools

After the substance of the creatures, look, what they were before the consecration, even the very same do they remain still. Bread and wine they were before, in the which kind they being now consecrated appear still to remain.


Prayers and Other Pieces of Thomas Becon

For our God is omnipotent, that is to say, almighty, plenteous in power, abundant, omnisufficient, full of all good, needy of nothing. The gods of the gentiles are of no power, puissance, and strength, full of all imbecility, weakness, and misery.


The Early Works of Thomas Becon

Tags: God

God hath not called us that we should be unclean, but holy and virtuous.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

Prayer is a lifting up of a pure mind unto God, in the which we ask somewhat of him according to his will.


The Catechism of Thomas Becon

What is the world? A heap and muster of men, without the word of God.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

God give us grace to have the true knowledge of God and of ourselves.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

O Lord, enter not into judgment with thy servant, for no man that liveth shall be justified in thy sight.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon

If the stars are not pure in the sight of God, and the angels are not clean and faultless before him, how then dare a wretched mortal creature, who sinneth daily, and heapeth wickedness upon wickedness, so advance himself that he dare presume to stand right up, and with an open face before God, who is a consuming fire, and hateth so many as work wickedness; and take upon him to satisfy for his sins by his own righteousness? If they would assay to go down into themselves, and search the bottom of their heart, which is wicked and inscrutable, they would there find such heaps, lumps, and dunghills of sin, that they would be ready to despair and to undo themselves.


Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon