quotations about guns

Freedom requires guns.



Tags: Franz Grillparzer

Well, in the first place an armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. For me, politeness is a sine qua non of civilization. That's a personal evaluation only. But gunfighting has a strong biological use. We do not have enough things to kill off the weak and the stupid these days. But to stay alive as an armed citizen a man has to be either quick with his wits or with his hands, preferably both. It's a good thing.


Beyond This Horizon

Tags: Robert A. Heinlein

My alarm tells me you're in my house. My gun tells me not for long.


Tags: Anonymous quotes

Nowadays you don't go around on the street kicking people, punching people -- because if you do (makes gun shape with hand), well that's it -- I don't care how good you are.


interview, Pierre Berton Show, 1971

Tags: Bruce Lee

If guns cause crime, than matches cause arson.


Giggles, Gags, and Quips: Special Picks

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to acquiring an understanding of the facts surrounding the gun control debate is the firm conviction of many on both sides that most of the critical facts are self-evident. Is it not indisputable that the availability of guns increases the homicide rate and plays a large role in America's high violence rates? How could the possession and use of deadly weapons NOT raise the murder rate? Alternatively, is it not obvious that widespread private gun ownership deters crime? The debaters begin with premises that are so thoroughly taken for granted that they never consider evaluating them.


Targeting Guns

Tags: Gary Kleck

You know, we can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans to legitimately own handguns and rifles -- it's something I strongly support -- we can't be so fixated on that that we are unable to think about the reality of life that millions of Americans face on streets that are unsafe, under conditions that no other nation ... has permitted to exist.


remarks at Adult Learning Center in New Brunswick, Mar. 1, 1993

Tags: Bill Clinton

Semi-automatics have only two purposes. One is so owners can take them to the shooting range once in awhile, yell yeehaw, and get all horny at the rapid fire and the burning vapor spurting from the end of the barrel. Their other use -- their only other use -- is to kill people.


attributed, The Theatrical Firearms Handbook

Tags: Stephen King

Gun-rights advocates like to make this all about liberty, insisting that their freedom to bear arms is of utmost importance and that restricting their freedom would be a violation of basic rights. But liberty is not a one way street. It also includes the liberty to enjoy a night out with friends, loving who you want to love, dancing how you want to dance, in a club that has historically provided a refuge from the hate and fear that surrounds you. It also includes the liberty to go to and send your kids to kindergarten and first grade so that they can begin to be infused with a love of learning. It includes the liberty to go to a movie, to your religious house of worship, to college, to work, to an abortion clinic, go to a hair salon, to a community center, to the supermarket, to go anywhere and feel that you are free to do to so without having to weigh the risk of being gunned down by someone wielding a weapon that can easily kill you and countless others. The liberty of some to own guns cannot take precedence over the liberty of everyone to live their lives free from the risk of being easily murdured.


"Why It's Time to Repeal the Second Amendment", Rolling Stone, June 13, 2016

People use guns but, in a sense, guns use people too. When we have the technology for violence easily to hand, our choices are skewed and we are more vulnerable to being manipulated into violent action.


"Archbishop of Canterbury backs calls for stricter gun controls in US", The Guardian, December 22, 2012

The guns reminded me that this was just an attempt to punch holes in the darkness that enveloped us now.


The Judas Syndrome

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.


Tags: anonymous quotes

The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible.


"Know Your Lawmakers", Guns Magazine, February 1960

As surely as there are camels' backs and straws to break them, moments arrive when citizens say they've had enough, when they rise up against political leaders who do not speak for them and whose moral fecklessness imperils lives. We may be witness to such a moment now with the protests by American teenagers sickened -- and terrified -- by the latest mass murder at the hands of someone with easy access to a weapon fit for a battlefield, not a school.


"Will America Choose Its Children Over Guns?", New York Times, February 20, 2018

One shot, two shot, three shots, four shots! All I hear is gunshots, this is where the fun stops. Bodies drop; hit the floor. Music's off; party stops. Everybody, hit the door! Somebody's licking shots off!


"One Shot, 2 Shot", Encore

That there are such devices as firearms, as easy to operate as cigarette lighters and as cheap as toasters, capable at anybody's whim of killing Father or Fats or Abraham Lincoln or John Lennon or Martin Luther King, Jr., or a woman pushing a baby carriage, should be proof enough for anybody that being alive is a crock of shit.



Tags: Kurt Vonnegut

A gun is like breath to a drowning man--it has to be drawn in haste.


The Paris Review, spring-summer 1978

Tags: James M. Cain

My father died many years ago now--of natural causes. So it goes. He was a sweet man. He was a gun nut, too. He left me his guns. They rust.



Tags: Kurt Vonnegut

Gun control is a political fantasy because the Second Amendment and various states' constitutions protect the right to bear arms. This will not be changed, full stop. You don't need to support or even like the Bill of Rights to see that gun control is an administrative fantasy as well. In a country where private citizens own more than 300 million firearms, no effective form of gun control can be practical, and no practical form can be effective. Even an obviously unconstitutional ban on all new sales would take a century to make its effects felt. Universal confiscation of hundreds of millions of firearms would be several orders of magnitude more difficult than deporting every illegal immigrant in the U.S.


"Gun control is a fantasy", Washington Examiner, February 21, 2018

Bloody war! What do you think all these bullets and all these guns're made for?


"Bloody War", Certified