quotations about religion
Some will tell you all you need is religion. They are wrong. You can go to church, mosque or synagogue ten times a day, pray hard and read the Scriptures as often as possible, give generous alms, and visit holy cites weekly. None of that can stop demons from rising in you, if you harbor jealousy or evil intentions toward your neighbour or fellow human.
Killers of the True Holy War
The challenge would be not to follow a religion unthinkingly, but to succeed in taking seriously a text that was written two thousand years ago -- in taking seriously every word and every story -- and nevertheless to live in the present in a humanitarian and enlightened way. Nobody says that this is easy, but human consciousness is capable of it. Religion is never just the Word of God. It is the ever-changing relationship of humans to this word. It is from just this movement of the human spirit that the great cultures have arisen.
"Of Course Religion is First and Foremost a Duty", First Things, January 20, 2016
The more that science discovers, the less room religion has to substantiate itself. As the pool of scientific knowledge grows, so diminishes the ability of sane and reasonable people to hold the bible, or parts of, as literal. Over the decades and centuries, the bible and other religious texts have been taken ... more and more metaphorically. You see, the only way for the faithful to reconcile their beliefs with new scientific discoveries, is to take the bible less and less literally. Eventually, the bible and other religious texts will be reduced to nothing more than fanciful mythologies, just like the 12 gods of ancient Greece and Rome, or the Norse gods of the Scandinavians.
"Religion is fiction", News 24, February 16, 2016
Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small.
The Crucible
Tradition is the mediation of divine revelation across the generations; it is more than an individual can know or come up with for himself. But today, everything must be in accordance with our sound human reason, and we do not consider that this reason, like all human reason before it, is temporally conditioned. Religion should be just as we'd like it, it should pronounce what we already think, it should be compatible with our time. But it is of the very essence of religion that it is not compatible with our time, or with any time. Jesus was quite obviously not compatible with his time.
"Of Course Religion is First and Foremost a Duty", First Things, January 20, 2016
I am terrified of what seems to me to be a bottleneck that civilization is passing through. On the one hand we have 21st-century disruptive technology proliferating, and on the other we have first-century superstition. A civilization is going to either pass through this bottleneck more or less intact or it won't. And perhaps that fear sounds grandiose, but civilizations end. On any number of occasions, some generation has witnessed the ruination of everything they and their ancestors had built. What especially terrifies me about religious thinking is the expectation on the part of many that civilization is bound to end based on prophecy and its ending is going to be glorious.
debate with Rick Warren, April, 2007
Religion makes us live as those who represent God in the world.
Moral and Religious Aphorisms
I believe firmly in the efficacy of religion, in its powerful influence on a person's whole life. It helps immeasurably to meet the storms and stress of life and keep you attuned to the Divine inspiration. Without inspiration, we would perish.
attributed, How to Be Like Walt
People kill and are killed because they cling too tightly to their own beliefs and ideologies. When we believe that ours is the only faith that contains the truth, violence and suffering will surely be the result.
Living Buddha, Living Christ
Religion, like all things, begins with self,
And naught is known, until one knows himself.
"Veritas Vincit"
In reality there are as many religions as there are individuals.
Hind Swaraj
The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.
"Character", The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Immorality, no less than morality, has at all times found support in religion.
The Future of an Illusion
The foulest sinner of all is the hypocrite who makes a racket of religion.
Stranger in a Strange Land
The only consistent purpose of human religion was as a cover for the most bestial excesses of mass homicide, torment, and atrocity.
No religion is the new religion.
"No religion is the new religion", The Guardian, January 20, 2016
If the very nature of religion is change, and we don't progress individually or as a species, then we have been left behind. Change is inevitable. I'm not sure structured religion will allow this, hence why its necessary to leave, for everyone. Once this happens, then the only religion one needs is: Life.
"How I Found God After Leaving Religion", Patheos, February 13, 2016
The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate.
"Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments"
Spiritual wants and instincts are as various in the human family as are physical appetites, complexions, and features, and a man is only at his best, morally, when he is equipped with the religious garment whose color and shape and size most nicely accommodate themselves to the spiritual complexion, angularities, and stature of the individual who wears it.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.
The Great God Brown